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K-SURE established the Human Rights Management Committee
  • Date : 2019.11.29
  • Views : 312
- K-SURE established the Charter of Human Rights Management, reviewed the results of the Human Rights Impact Assessment, and run human rights management in full swing.

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, established the Human Rights Management Committee and held the first meeting at its headquarter in Gwanghwamun on June 26 (WED).

■ The Committee is a decision-making and advisory body to protect human rights of interested parties, including its employees.

○ Mr. Do-yeol Lee, Deputy President of K-SURE, chairs the committee which consists of nine internal/external committee members, including members of labor unions and UN Human Rights officials.

■ Human rights management is to protect and hold responsible for human rights of all interested parties affected by corporate management.

■ In August last year, National Human Rights Commission of Korea announced Manual of Haman Rights Management for Public Institutions. Accordingly, the government newly established relevant items as ‘social value’ evaluation index.

○ K-SURE designated the Social Value Innovation Division as a dedicated department dealing with human rights management. Also, it set up an action plan for implementing human rights management at the end of last year.

■ On the same day, the Committee established the Charter of Human Rights Management after receiving a report on ‘K-SURE Human Rights Management Plan.’

○ In addition, the Committee reviewed the results of the Human Rights Impact Assessment which analyzed the impact of K-SURE’s management activities on human rights.

■ Mr. Do-yeol Lee, Deputy President of K-SURE, said that “We will carry out human rights management in full swing to make sure there’s zero case of human rights violation. To make that happen, we will reflect various opinions from experts of the Committee.”

【K-SURE (Lee In-ho, President) held the first meeting of Human Rights Management Committee.】

K-SURE held an appointment ceremony for external committee members of the Human Rights Management Committee and the first meeting of the committee on June 26, at its headquarter in Gwanghwamun.

* (Photo) K-SURE held an appointment ceremony for external committee members of the Human Rights Management Committee and the first meeting of the committee on June 26, at its headquarter in Gwanghwamun.

* (From left) Lawyer Park Jae-hyung of Haemaru law firm, Professor Kim Hyuk of University of Seoul, Chief Lee Eun-kyung of UNGC Korea, Certified labor attorney Kim Sung-yong of Sejin, Deputy Director Lee Do-yeol of K-SURE, Vice Chairman Park Sang-jun of labor union, Chief Audit Officer Ryu Dong-yoon, Senior Director Son Ji-mo of Social Value Innovation Department of K-SURE.
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department