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K-SURE introduced the first non-contact trade insurance service for small and medium-sized exporters
  • Date : 2020.07.08
  • Views : 265
- To discount guarantee fee by 10% and minimize the number of documents required for exporters by combining Fin Tech.
- To introduce the service one month earlier than planned for Covid-19 prevention

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, introduced non-contact trade insurance and guarantee service for greater user convenience and prevention of Covid-19.

○ The service is a non-contact trade insurance platform that newly established to help exporters apply export credit guarantee and export bond insurance or do credit rating assessment online.

○ It is first case combining trade insurance/guarantee system with Fin Tech and will help the workflow be much simpler. Consumers will see less document required and less visit.

■ When an exporter uses this platform, the number of required document will decrease from 17 to 1. At the same time, guarantee fee for pre-shipment Export Credit Guarantee under KRW 500 million will be discounted by 10% for the first year after the system opens.

○ K-SURE was finally able to require less number of document by establishing a data-link system with relevant institutions and searching the information needed for warranty application based on the prior approval from the exporters.

■ This service is applied to programs requiring frequent branch visit, expecting to help prevent the spread of Covid-19

○ In order to help government implement measures supporting export and prevent the spread of Covid-19, K-SURE introduced the service one month earlier than it originally planned.

○ By concentrating on upgrading Fin Tech business, K-SURE is planning to launch online direct trade insurance and guarantee where the whole process from application to subscription will be done within one day.

■ Mr. Inho Lee, Chairman and President of K-SURE, said, “The more we try to combine Fin Tech with trade insurance, the more convenient our consumers feel when using trade insurance and guarantee.”

○ He added, “K-SURE will focus more on bringing up the services which can upgrade trade insurance and elevate consumer value.”
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department