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K-SURE opens a new era of 'Digital Trade Insurance' by introducing its first mobile direct guarantee/insurance.
  • Date : 2021.01.27
  • Views : 390
- To realize ‘Mobile Trade Insurance’ that anyone can use anywhere at anytime.
- To celebrate the first year of ‘Digital Trade Insurance’ in 2020 and continue to write a new history in the post-COVID era.

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, opened a ‘Digital Trade Insurance’ era in earnest by newly launching ‘Mobile Direct Guarantee (“Direct Guarantee”)’ and ‘Mobile Direct Insurance (“Direct Insurance.”)’

○ They were designed to provide smooth export support, such as overseas business expansion and liquidity enhancement for SMEs, even in the COVID-19 crisis.

■ One of the biggest benefits of this Guarantee/Insurance is that anyone can easily use it anywhere at anytime just with their mobile phone. It is possible because the entire process from application to subscription is being handled one-stop on the phone.

○ In order to eliminate customer’s pain points, K-SURE kept its principle , “Documentless and non-contact”. And it finally eliminated all the cumbersome procedures such as submitting documents and visiting a branch office. Also, it introduced an automatic screening service which allows immediate registration, resulting in a dramatic increase in processing speed.

○ In particular, this Direct Guarantee allows customers to enjoy both guarantees and loans services in one application, so they no longer have to go to each guarantee agency and bank.

○ K-SURE is the first public institution to expand the target users for non-contact direct guarantees from private companies to corporate companies.

■ The introduction of this Mobile Direct Guarantee holds a significant meaning in the sense that it not only realized the “Mobile Trade Insurance”, but also opened the era of ‘Digital Trade Insurance’ in earnest by setting a new milestone in the ‘Trade Insurance Digital Transformation Road map.’

○ K-SURE took the first step toward digital innovation in trade insurance by launching Fintech Business Department in July last year. And it hired ‘RPA* robot employee’ in November of the same year and started simple repetitive automation with it.

* RPA: Robotic Process Automation

○ Then, K-SURE strengthened the foundation for the digital innovation in trade insurance by introducing digital-based services. It includes ‘Non-contact Trade Insurance Platform’ introduced in March this year, which handles pre-guarantee/insurance procedures such as getting the consent to personal information from customers online. It also launched ‘Online Trade Insurance’ in June which eliminated the need for submission of documents and made more use of online platform.

○ For the launch of this ‘Mobile Direct Guarantee/Insurance’, K-SURE also established an integrated information system with related organizations such as National Health Insurance Service (June 2019), Korea Customs Service (July 2019) and National Tax Service (December 2020) so that it can directly use the information needed for screening."

■ Mr. Inho Lee, Chairman and President of K-SURE, said, “2020 is the first year for ‘Digital Trade Insurance’ where we began to see a paradigm shift from paper and visits to a paperless and non-contact.”

○ He added, “So far, K-SURE has made meaningful achievement. Based on that, we will continue to move one step forward next year and open a new chapter in digital trade insurance with big data and 5G which will be vital in the post-COVID era.
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department