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K-SURE held 「K-SURE Export Consulting Week」 to help overseas expansion of export startups
  • Date : 2021.06.14
  • Views : 661
- To provide non-contact customized consulting for 64 startups and data companies for two weeks.
- To help Small and Medium-sized companies to maintain growth momentum in export for the second half of this year by strengthening the cooperation with relevant organizations.

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, held 「Relay Export E-Consulting Week? for two weeks aiming at helping export startups enter into overseas markets more smoothly. The consulting was done with Korea SMEs and Startups Agency (KOSME) and K-DATA in turn.

○ In accordance with the business agreements* signed between K-SURE and the two organizations, the event was held to support trade channel diversification of export startups through customized consulting.

* KOSME 「MOU on co-supporting export SMEs by stage of export growth」 (NOV, 2020)
K-DATA 「MOU on supporting overseas business expansion of data companies」 (MAR, 2021)

■ K-SURE provided non-contact customized consulting for 64 companies including 44 startups recommended by KOSME and 20 data companies recommended by K-DATA.

○ To help them resolve difficulties in export and support their overseas business expansion, K-SURE’s professional consultants* provided one-on-one customized solutions for free.

* The consulting consists of the following four categories (a total of 17 people in the team) 1) Finance (trade insurance and policy fund utilization) ? Import/export (export contracts, trade channel diversification), (3) Legal affairs (commercial dispute, trade claims), and (4) Accounting and tax (accounting audit, tax law review)

○ Companies from various industries including cosmetics, medical devices, smart healthcare, and IT solutions participated in the event. Since most of them have little (less than USD 100,000) or no export volume yet, we expect that this customized consulting would be a good opportunity for them to strengthen their export capabilities and secure growth engine for the overseas market entry.

■ The 「Trade-SURE Consulting Center (“Center”)」which was launched in 2018, recorded 155 consulting cases in May of this year, a 38% increase YoY. It clearly shows that the Center has been serving as an export supporter for SMEs that lack professional manpower and know-how.

○ Here’s a good example where a participant company took a full advantage of the consulting. Company K was planning to enter the cosmetic market in the Middle East last year. Through the consulting, the company not only discovered new buyers, but also received an emergency export stabilization fund of KRW 100 million and used short-term export insurance which covers the risk of non-payment of export. Thanks to this, the company successfully pioneered new overseas markets and significantly increased their export volume from KRW 290 million to whopping KRW 4 billion.

■ Export in Korea has increased for seven consecutive months and K-SURE will put our utmost effort to maintain the growth momentum in the second half of this year. As part of the effort, we’re planning to strengthen our partnerships with exporting companies and continue to work hard to have a more effective cooperation system with relevant organizations.

○ To make that happen, K-SURE has been helping SME exporters keep their momentum in export. We designated 74 long-term trade insurance customers as the members of K-SURE Honors Club and strengthened our comprehensive support measures for them including customized -trade insurance, consulting and preferential premiums and limits..

○ Also, we will help Korean companies find new export opportunities in the second half of this year by sharing more information and intensifying cooperation with relevant organizations.

■ Mr. Inho Lee, Chairman and President of K-SURE, said, “I hope that export startups will get the ideas on how to enter into overseas markets and secure new growth engines through the consulting session.”

○ He also added, “Also, armed with multi-faceted support policies and effective cooperation systems with relevant organizations, K-SURE will support Korean export to make great strides in the years to come.”

Trade-sure Consulting Center

* A professional consultant in the 「Trade-sure Consulting Center」is providing consulting for export startups to resolve export difficulties and expand overseas expansion via video conference system. This event was held for two weeks for startups and data companies.
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department