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K-SURE received UNGC's 「Anti-corruption Award」
  • Date : 2021.07.27
  • Views : 249
- To be recognized for its contribution in building a successful anti-corruption management system (including the 1st grade in integrity evaluation and ISO certification for anti-corruption management)
- To be the first policy financial institution to receive the award
- To lead a culture of anti-corruption and integrity in the public sector

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, received ’Anti-Corruption Award’ at ‘Business Integrity Society (BIS) Summit 2021’, co-hosted by UN Global Compact (UNGC) network Korea and Korea Substantiality Investing Forum (KoSIF).

* UNGC is an affiliated organization of the UN, with over 14,000 members including corporations, academia, and civic groups. It has been carrying out various activities to encourage and help companies to internalize UN’s core values for pursuing sustainable development, such as anti-corruption, human rights, and the environment, in their business activities.

* The summit was held at Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul on March 26, 2021.

○ UNGC network Korea held an anti-corruption pledge ceremony at ‘Anti-corruption Summit 2021’ and awarded best companies in integrity. The summit was held as part of the global anti-corruption project started in 2019 aiming at strengthening integrity and fair corporate management. Also, opinions from various fields were shared on recent ethical management topics such as a ESG disclosure movement.

■ The first ‘Anti-Corruption Award’ was given to the best public institutions and private companies out of the 260 members of UNCG network Korea in anti-corruption management performance.

(Evaluation Standard: Evaluation results of integrity and anti-corruption policy and whether or not they have international certification on ethical management.)

○ K-SURE became the first policy financial institution to receive the ‘Anti-corruption Award.’ We were recognized for the efforts we’ve made to establish an anti-corruption management system.

■ K-SURE has been recognized as the best public institution in integrity. We got the 1st grade in anti-corruption policy evaluation from the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission in 2018, the 1st grade in the integrity evaluation in 2019, and the Prime Minister’s Award in the Anti-corruption sector on the Anti-Corruption Day in 2019. Also, we were designated as a mentor institution for integrity in 2020.

○ This January, K-SURE obtained the international certification, ISO 37001 ‘Anti-Bribery Management System’ by making our management more transparent. To do this, we established an ethical management system that complies with the international standards. It includes enacting an anti-corruption management charter, operating a team dedicated to anti-corruption, establishing internal regulations and diagnosing/improving corruption risks.

○ Also, K-SURE has been working hard to prepare our employees to be armed with a strong sense of integrity. For example, we conducted ‘Virtual Integrity Training’ where we delivered virtual solicited items to employees and let them train themselves by following the procedures of reporting and returning solicited items.

■ Mr. Inho Lee, Chairman and President of K-SURE, said, “It is very meaningful to receive the ‘Anti-Corruption Award’ from an international organization like UNGC especailly at a time when integrity and fairness in our society, including public institutions, are being emphasized more than ever.”

○ He added, “In order to meet the public’s high expectation toward ethical management, we will do our best to prepare our employees to be armed with a strong sense of integrity by continuing to conduct various integrity activities. Also, as a leading organization in integrity, we will maintain our leadership in spreading a culture of integrity in the public sector.”

Anti-Corruption Award

* Mr. Jongbae Yoon, executive director of K-SURE (left) with Mr. Kunree Lee, vice chairman of the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission after receiving ‘Anti-Corruption Award’ at ‘Anti-Corruption Summit 2021.’ The Summit was co-hosted by UN Global Compact (UNGC) network Korea and Korea Substantiality Investing Forum (KoSIF) at Four Seasons Hotel in Jongno, Seoul on March 26.

Anti-Corruption Award

* Mr. Jongbae Yoon, executive director of K-SURE (first from the left), after receiving ‘Anti-Corruption Award’ at ‘Anti-Corruption Summit 2021.’
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department