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K-SURE became a leading public institution in digital and ethical management innovation
  • Date : 2021.12.05
  • Views : 1803
- Received ‘2021 Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety for development of a digital government’ and ‘2021 Ethical Management Award
- To continue to make customer-centered innovation by expanding trade insurance digital services and strengthening anti-corruption ethical management

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, received the ‘2021 Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety for development of a digital government’ and ‘2021 Ethical Management Award’ by the Korea Academy Of Business Ethics (KABE).

○ ‘The Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety’ is awarded to the organizations who have contributed to increasing the efficiency of administrative work and reducing social cost by utilizing information sharing among organizations. ‘The Ethical Management Award’ is awarded by the Korea Academy Of Business Ethics to the companies that have contributed to the development of social responsibility and ethical management. The award aims for deepening their commitment to ethical management practices.

■ K-SURE received ‘2021 Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety for development of a digital government’ in recognition of its contribution to speeding up toward digitization of trade insurance by simplifying procedures and expanding non-face-to-face services. This effort aimed for helping exporting companies overcome the COVID-19 crisis more smoothly with its trade insurance.

○ In December 2020, K-SURE introduced ‘Direct Insurance/Guarantee’, which allows the entire process from application to issuance to be immediately processed online. To make that happen, K-SURE linked export customs clearance and tax payment information provided by the government and related agency information networks to its examination system. Through it, K-SURE had provided KRW 91.8 billion to 158 companies until November 2021.

○ Also, by linking the information networks, K-SURE was able to directly take over the documents needed for the evaluation of ‘Export Credit Guarantee’, which supports financing of exporting companies. Through this, the number of documents to be submitted was reduced from 15 types to 3 types and the review period was reduced from about 16 days to 3 days. It has greatly improved the convenience of our customer companies.

○ In September 2020, at the 20th Digital Management Innovation Awards, K-SURE received ‘the Citation of Minister of Science, Technology and Information’ in recognition of its efforts in digital innovation, such as introduction of a non-face-to-face trade insurance platform.

■ Also, K-SURE became the only public institution awarded at the 33rd Ethical Management Award in recognition of its efforts to establish a sustainable ethical management system and spread best practices of anti-corruption.

○ K-SURE was also recognized for its efforts and achievements in strengthening ethical management. The achievements include the followings: K-SURE ▲ (1) Introduced international standards (ISO37001) for anti-corruption management system, ▲ (2) participated as a mentor institution in Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission’s integrity consulting in 2020 to disseminate the excellent examples of anti-corruption policies, and ▲ (3) established an ethical management control tower and a working organization for implementing ethical management.

○ In addition, in March 2021, K-SURE received UNGC’s ‘Anti-corruption Award’ and was selected as a ‘LEAD member for substantiality management’ for the second year in a row.

* UNGC: A UN affiliated organization with over 14,000 member companies, including corporations and civic groups. It has been carrying out various activities to help realize the UN’s core values to pursue sustainable development, such as anti-corruption and human rights.

■ Mr. Inho Lee, Chairman and President of K-SURE, said, “These awards hold special meaning to K-SURE in that our efforts to strengthen ethical management and digitize trade insurance were recognized. We have focused on keeping customers’ trust with stronger ethical management and encouraging more customers to utilize trade insurance by digitizing the insurance.”

○ He added, “As a policy financial institution that serves as the foundation to help Korean exporters enter into overseas markets and grow further, K-SURE will continue to facilitate customer-centered innovation.”

2021 Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety for development of a digital government

* Mr. Ki-heon Kim, Senior Director at Fintech Business Department of K-SURE (Right) after receiving the ‘2021 Citation of Minister of the Interior and Safety for development of a digital government’ held in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

2021 Ethical Management Award

* Mr. Jin-sik Park, Executive Director of K-SURE (third from left in the front row) after receiving the grand prize at the ‘2021 Ethical Management Award’ held by the Korea Academy Of Business Ethics at Yonsei University in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul.
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department