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K-SURE provides U$36M for Jordan renewable energy project.
  • Date : 2019.01.04
  • Views : 631
- Expected to boost Korean companies’new and renewable business overseas amid a dire global market situation.
- An exemplary case of collaboration between Korean companies and international Finance Corporation.

■ Korea Trade Insurance Corporation (K-SURE, announced that it would provide USD36 million of financing for the Daehan Wind Power Project of Jordan, which is participated by Korea Southern Power Co. Ltd. (KOSPO) and Dealim Energy of Korea.

○ This project is an independent power generation project proceeded in the Build-Own-Operarte (BOO) model to build a 51.75MW of wind power generation plant with total USD 100 million of project amount in Tafila, a town 130km south from Amman, the capital of the country.

■ For the project, K-SURE will provide finance with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank, to successfully bring out the collaboration with the international organization while providing Korean financiers such as Shinhan Bank with a chance to joining major investment development projects, which has been dominated by foreign financial institutions.

■ Mr. Dooyeol Lee, Executive Director of K-SURE, stated that “We see increasing demand for export credit support from the new and renewable energy sector after OECD’s restrictions on support to coal fired power generation,

○ “In line with such a trend, K-SURE will focus its support on Korean companies’ overseas bid winning for new and renewable energy projects and global business of Korean financiers.”
  • Point of Contact :  Public Relations Department