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Annual Report

Annual Report 2014
  • 등록일 : 2015.06.30
  • 조회수 : 1602
K-sure History
2014 Highlights
CEO’s Message
The Role of K-sure in 2014
2015 Outlook and the Role of K-sure
2014 Business Performance and 2015 Business Plans
Business Volume and Outstanding Commitments
Short-term Export Credit Program
Medium-and Longterm Export Credit Program
Export Credit Guarantee
Foreign Exchange Risk Insurance
Claims and Recoveries
Credit Research
Research on Country and Industry Risks
Risk Management
International Relations
Operation Aimed at Customer Satisfaction
CSR Activities
Ethical Management
Auditors’ Report
Statement of Financial Position
Income Statement
Statement on Changes in Capital Organization
Organization Chart
Domestic and Overseas Network

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  • 담당부서 :  조사부 고객센터 :  1588-3884

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